Grant of the Government of the Russian Federation for the state support of scientific researches, which are conducted under the guidance of leading scientists in Russian educational institutions of higher professional education (agreement No. 11.G34.31.0065 dated October 19, 2011)

Regeneration of airways and lung

The official website of the project "Investigating the molecular mechanisms and underlying pathways of regenerative medicine approaches the tissue-engineering and cell therapy of airways and lungs"

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About Regenerative Medicine



International Symposium “Regeneration of intrathoracic organs and tissues” conducted in KSMU

It is already the fourth symposium conducted within the Grant ofthe Government of the Russian Federation. As usual,it included the School of young scientists. More than 400 people from the different cities of Russia took part in it this time.

The presentations were divided into two sections – plenary and research. In the frames of the first section within the School of young scientists the invited speakers spoke about fundamental aspects of regenerative medicine. In particular, - about the cellular mechanisms resistant to regeneration, features of celltherapy, properties of polymeric materials at their interaction with living cells. Presentations were submitted by our long-termcollaborators from the Institute of cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (V. M.Mikhelson - I. M. Spivak), Research Center Kurchatov Institute (S. N. Chvalun), and also - Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Cardiology Research-and-Production Complex of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia and Faculty of fundamental medicine of MSU. Professor Elena Parfyonova told about transplantation of heart resident stem cells in the form of multilayered cell layers at an experimental myocardial infarction.

Traditionally the leading scientist, Professor Paolo Macchiarini,presented the final report on the results obtained in the course of implementation of the project and plans for the next year which are mostly focused on the development of the tissue-engineered heart, lungs and diaphragm on models of the non-human primates.

The foundation was laid in 2014, what was reportedby the members of the research team Elena Gubareva, Elena Kuevda, Alexander Sotnichenko and Irina Gilevich. Their presentations provoked strong interest in participants and guests.

2012 © Kuban State Medical University. The official website of the project "Investigating the molecular mechanisms and underlying pathways of regenerative medicine approaches the tissue-engineering and cell therapy of airways and lungs"