Grant of the Government of the Russian Federation for the state support of scientific researches, which are conducted under the guidance of leading scientists in Russian educational institutions of higher professional education (agreement No. 11.G34.31.0065 dated October 19, 2011)

Regeneration of airways and lung

The official website of the project "Investigating the molecular mechanisms and underlying pathways of regenerative medicine approaches the tissue-engineering and cell therapy of airways and lungs"

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About Regenerative Medicine



Goals and Objectives - Center of Regenerative Medicine - Leading scientist - Project team - Reviews and Literature - Education - Photo Gallery

Research Plan - Image of Future Lab

Under the Agreement of «___» october 2011 ã. ¹ 11.G34.31.00.65 between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Learning “Kuban State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health Care and Social Development of the Russian Federation, and leading scientist Paolo Macchiarini


Expected amount of the research



Documents being created on each stage

Time period

1.1 Analytic review of literature in the area of regenerative medicine; existing and described methods of Tissue Engineering (TE) and Regenerative Medicine (RM); as well as general guidelines, paradigm and challenges in TE

  1. Comparative analysis and development of different approaches to determine optimum methods of decellularization of different tissue types and organs, cell isolation different frameworks (both natural and synthetic), determining optimum cell sources for respiratory organs TE, finding materials for creating. Tissue engineering organ framework.
  2. Writing protocols and ethic applications for providing in vitro experiments


Report on the half year scientific researches.

Report of the Leading scientist on the year scientific research including:

1.1- Analytic review of literature in the area of regenerative medicine; existing and described methods of Tissue Engineering (TE) and Regenerative Medicine (RM); as well as general guidelines, paradigm and challenges in TE;

1.2- results of comparative analysis and development of different approaches to determine optimum methods of decellularization of different tissue types and organs, cell isolation different frameworks (both natural and synthetic), determining optimum cell sources for respiratory organs TE, finding materials for creating tissue engineering organ framework.

1.3 - recommendations for carrying out in vitro experiments, characterization and evaluation of the presented approaches in comparison with existed methods



19.10.2011 – 31.12.2011

2.1 Analytic review of research methods for cell isolation, their differentiation, proliferation, reproduction, cell lines creation gene expression in the processes of stem cell differentiation, the interaction with different frameworks (both natural and synthetic), tissue

and organ decellularization, use of bioreactors.

2.2 Basic research experiments

- Studying TE basic principles.

  • Tissue preparation and cell isolation from all types of primates. Decellularization and evaluation of different tissue types (both healthy and diseased). Evaluating synthetic materials perspective. Functional and biomolecular ex-vivo property testing. Improving the process of stem cells cultivation and differentiation.
  • Studying cell interaction and signal ways in stem cell differentiation and TE. Identification of optimum cell types for different targets.
  •  Studying the cell and synthetic material interaction on bio-molecular and histological levels. Initiating work with cell cultures and nano-composite materials using bio-reactor. Creating ex vivo functional bioengineering organs prototypes.
  • In vivo research transfer (small mammals). In vivo identification of cell migration. In vivo functional characteristics of the tissues. Immunologic studies. System analysis.

2.3 Applied researches:

- Creating decellularized organs, optimum synthetic materials, cell lines.

- Creating trachea on the basis of nanocomposits.

Initiating work on creation of cell and tissue bank.

Reports on the half year scientific researches.

Report of the Leading scientist on the year scientific research including:

2.1 - results on creating complex data base of the publications in the area of stem cell biology (processes of cell isolation, differentiation, proliferation, reproducing, creation of cell lines), TE, cell therapy, interaction with different frameworks (both natural and synthetic), tissue and organ decellularization, use of bioreactors.

2.2 - Results of fundamental experiments ex vivo and in vivo experiments (on small mammals).


2.3 Applied researches.

01.01.2012 – 31.12.2012

3.1 Applied researches:

Transfer to large animals studying.

 - In vivo observation and cell administration under the conditions of norm and pathology.

 - Expected new data on cell functions, that can be used in different pathology.

 - Getting the approval on clinic experiments. Initiating clinic experiments. Transfer of different methods of RM to the clinic.

3.2 Comparative analysis of the studied methods:

- different protocols on cell cultivation and differentiation, determining optimum conditions and methods;

- bioreactor testing for choosing the best model

3.3 Working out the methods for:

  • Cell culture creation and differentiation in accordance with TE;
  • Creating original bioreactor for growing cell cultures and tissues;
  •  Development of methods of decellularization and criteria for healthy and diseased tissues:
  • Studying cellular signal ways;
  • Developing new strategies for creating pharmacologic agents
  • Preparing documents on medical technology.

3.4 Studying the possibilities of TE-technologies and the newest pharmacologic strategies complex usage. Searching for a new concept.

3.5 The grand total results of the research:

3.1 Reports on the half year scientific researches.

Report of the Leading scientist on the year scientific research including:

  • results of in vivo experiments on large animal;

3.2 Results of the comparative analysis of the methods studied.

3.3 Test results of the possibilities of

- the method for cultivation cell cultures and their differentiation in accordance with TE;

- original bioreactor for creating cell cultures and tissues;

3.4 Test results of the possibilities of TE-technologies and the newest pharmacologic strategies complex usage.

3.5 The grand total results of the research:

-test results of the possibilities for working out TE and cell therapy basic principles;

- providing proved results of pre-clinic and the first phase of clinic experiments;

-getting results necessary to initiate clinic experiments.

01.01.2013 – 31.12.2013

* Ethical permissions will be applied both in Moscow (Russia) and Stockholm (Sweden) to improve standards and avoid ethical concerns. Permissions from both countries will strengthen entire concept and emphasize the close collaboration of these two highly recognized institutions. This will also facilitate exchange and collaboration between researchers of both institutions. Selected researchers will participate in an exchange program learning cutting-edge methodologies and techniques at the Karolinska Institutet (Sweden). Methods and findings should be transferred and interchanged between both countries to improve and enlarge knowledge in this field.

2012 © Kuban State Medical University. The official website of the project "Investigating the molecular mechanisms and underlying pathways of regenerative medicine approaches the tissue-engineering and cell therapy of airways and lungs"