Grant of the Government of the Russian Federation for the state support of scientific researches, which are conducted under the guidance of leading scientists in Russian educational institutions of higher professional education (agreement No. 11.G34.31.0065 dated October 19, 2011)

Regeneration of airways and lung

The official website of the project "Investigating the molecular mechanisms and underlying pathways of regenerative medicine approaches the tissue-engineering and cell therapy of airways and lungs"

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Biomechanical and angiogenic properties of tissue-engineered rat trachea using genipin cross-linked decellularized tissue

As Biomaterials reports, in the study of  italian scientists headed by Professor Paolo Macchiarini, the obtainment and characterization of decellularized rat tracheal grafts are described. The detergent-enzymatic method, already used to develop bioengineered pig and human trachea scaffolds, has been applied to rat tracheae in order to obtain airway grafts suitable to be used to improve our knowledge on the process of tissue-engineered airway transplantation and regeneration. The results demonstrated that, after 9 detergent-enzymatic cycles, almost complete decellularized tracheae, retaining mechanical properties of the native tissues with strong in vivo angiogenic characteristics, could be obtained. Moreover, to improve the mechanical properties of decellularized tracheae, genipin is here considered as a naturally derived cross-linking agent. The results demonstrated that the treatment increased mechanical properties, in term of secant modulus, without neither altering the pro-angiogenic properties of decellularized airway matrices or eliciting an in vivo inflammatory response.

2012 © Kuban State Medical University. The official website of the project "Investigating the molecular mechanisms and underlying pathways of regenerative medicine approaches the tissue-engineering and cell therapy of airways and lungs"